Thursday, October 17, 2013

5 Great Ways That Parents Can Partner with Teachers

In education rhetoric, there are two common narratives regarding parents and teachers. First, there is the idea that teachers spend most of their days “undoing” the damage done to students at home. The second narrative is that parents and teachers ought to be “partners” in their students’ education.

Arne Duncan, United States Secretary of Education, exemplified this second narrative when he spoke with USA Today, “Parents are always going to be our students’ first teachers. The most important thing I can do is to read to my children every night, to not have them watching TV and to really be a partner with that teacher. Parents have to step up.”

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Sandy Hook Teacher Pays it Forward

Sandy Hook Teacher Pays it Forward

On December 14, 2012, an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut saw the face of evil. Twenty-year-old Adam Lanza, a troubled young man with a history of mental illness, entered the school and began shooting. By the time the murderous rampage was over, more than twenty people were murdered, including the school’s principal, the school’s psychologist, 4 educators and 20 first grade students.

It is impossible to adequately define the psychological damages to the massacre’s survivors.

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5 Ways Universities Are Dealing with the Shutdown

5 Ways Universities Are Dealing with the Shutdown
The Government Shutdown began more than two weeks ago. Since then, news outlets everywhere have been covering the many effects of the Shutdown, large and small. The national parks and national monuments are closed. Any federal employee deemed “non-essential” is on furlough. The list goes on.
The Government Shutdown has had major effects on colleges and university across the country. Although the effects on college students are less dramatic than the images of veterans knocking over gates to gain access to federal monuments, they are far reaching and have major long-term consequences.

Here are five ways that the Government Shutdown affects college education:...

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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

2 New Videos from The Chicago School Reviews

We added two new videos today:

What is Common Core: 

The Common Core, upon first inspection, is based on one logical idea: getting all students across the country, from kindergarten to high school graduation, onto the same level – by instituting a universal curriculum and testing policies with consistent educational standards created by a variety of experts and based on the best data. The ultimate goal of the Common Core is to produce students who are college and career ready upon high school graduation, a life landmark that a significant number of students fail to achieve every year. Establishing the type of standards the Common Core demands, however, is a monumental task that is not easily undertaken by any school, and which has created rifts across the American school system, dividing educators, administrators, policymakers, and parents over what is best for the American student population....

Video by The Chicago School Reviews


The Top Ten Trade Schools In Atlanta

The Top Ten Trade Schools In Atlanta
Atlanta is a bustling, diverse city with a range of trade school offerings. With highly regarded programs in an array of fields, Atlanta offers something for everyone. If you are seeking career advancement, Atlanta’s trade schools can help you find your way.

Video from The Chicago School Reviews

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

3 new videos from The Chicago School Reviews

We added 3 new videos to Chicago School Reviews today.  You can watch the below or follow links.

Top 5 High School Football Programs
To Much Homework is Harmful
The Psychology of Color In the Classroom

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Spotlight on Germantown – A Top Athletic School | The Chicago School Reviews

Spotlight on Germantown – A Top Athletic School | The Chicago School Reviews: "
Germantown High School: A Top Athletic School
When it comes to public high schools in the United States of America, it is often rare to find a school that excels at both academics and athletics. It is even rarer to find a school that has a laudable fine arts program in conjunction with a quality athletic program. Germantown High School is one of those very rare public high schools.
Germantown High School is located in Germantown, Tennessee. A suburb of Memphis, Germantown is one of the most affluent communities in the country. The wealth of the area shows in how excellent this public high school has become."

Number One Men’s Tennis Team: University of Virginia | The Chicago School Reviews

Number One Men’s Tennis Team: University of Virginia | The Chicago School Reviews: "Number One Men’s Tennis Team: University of Virginia

Located in Charlottesville, Virginia, the University of Virginia has the nation’s number one Division I Men’s Tennis Team. The UVA Cavaliers went undefeated last season and look to start this coming season strong.

UVA Cavaliers, a History

“we wish to establish in the upper & healthier country, & more centrally for the state an University on a plan so broad & liberal & modern, as to be worth patronising with the public support, and be a temptation to the youth of other states to come, and drink of the cup of knolege & fraternize with us.” –Thomas Jefferson"

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Moment When you Finish a Book…

You know that moment you have after you've finished a book and you realize that everyone is still just going about their lives even though you have just gone through emotional trauma in the hands of a paperback? Yeah, It’s jilting to the mind and senses. The Chicago School Reviews pays their respect and concern to the avid readers in the world. We know the heartache of a finished book all too well. 

Hoover Sings the Standardized Testing Blues

The Chicago School Reviews was inspired by Conan O’Brian to create this video entitled “The Standardized Testing Blues”. Watch Hoover the dog sing about the woes and turmoil of having to take standardized tests. You can enjoy the full video here

TCSR Brings The New Education Inspiration Board

The Chicago School Reviews started a new board over at Pinterest called “Education Inspiration“. The favorite quote was….
“Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think.” – Albert Einstein

Teachers and students refer to the internet and the information online every day. Social Media like Pinterest helps bridge the connection that can be lost in the lecture room.

Top 5 High School Football Programs

It’s impossible to ignore how important organized sports are to our colleges, more so to our high schools who’s students aspire to play college to pro football as a career. (Not the football that secretly means soccer)The Chicago School Reviews took the liberty in looking into the top high schools with incredible football programs. 

Changing Education Paradigms

The Educational System was derived from the simple notion of individuals who are motivated and educated vs. those who are unmotivated and uneducated. The basis for what we know to be education paradigms are in fact old and outdated, and is an inadequate system for an evolving community. Here The Chicago School Reviews RSA Animate a lecture from Sir Ken Ribinson. Sir Kenneth Robinson is an English author, speaker, and international adviser on education in the arts to government, non-profits, education, and arts bodies. You can watch the video here

Monday, July 15, 2013

Childhood Traumatic Events and the Role of Psychology in Adolescent Adjustment

It is an unfortunate fact that many children in today’s society are exposed to trauma. Often it takes the form of physical or sexual abuse the child has experienced personally. Or it could be a severe physical injury from an accident or direct attack, or deprivation and suffering caused by a natural disaster. In other cases, a child might be facing the aftermath of something terrible happening to another person. The death of a parent, sibling, or close friend, particularly if it was attributable to violence, war, or disaster, is particularly unsettling...

Read full article at The Chicago School Reviews
Just when we think we have relegated to the back of our minds the unsettling thought that schoolchildren in America can never be completely safe, another tragic event makes the headlines. The December, 2012 shooting of 20 children and 6 adults at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, CT shocked the nation. What causes a human being to commit such a senseless act of violence of such magnitude, and what, if anything, can we do to prevent similar occurrences in the future? Also, how can we best help those children who have been severely traumatized?

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Top 5 Online Psychology Degrees

Today it is no longer necessary to attend college or university classes to obtain a degree. It is possible to achieve the same result online. For thousands of people, who would find it impractical or unfeasible to attend college otherwise, online education can be the steppingstone to a productive career. The following are the top 5 accredited online psychology degree programs in the United States as of January, 2013, according to the website

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Effective Classroom Differentiation

Differentiation is the new buzz word in education. In many respects, it seems like a wonderful thing.  However, the obvious downside is that it means even more work for the teacher.  For the instructor, it means she can’t assume that everyone is on the same page intellectually.  This is a realistic assumption, and most classrooms across the country (especially in major cities) are filled with a variegated sample of students who are from a multitude of different backgrounds, speak different primary languages, and have varying paces of cognitive development.

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Effective Classroom Differentiation by Katherine Vazquez

Civil Discourse and the American Classroom

From generation to generation, there have always been a host of influences- be it in the press, music/entertainment industry, or political arena- that threatens to demoralize the youth, somehow paralyzing their progress in the quest to become the apotheosis of long-held, tacit and home-brewed American values.  Depending on who you ask, this threat has materialized in a variety of forms (from Elvis to Snooki, to Elliot Spitzer or Flavor Flav).  It is fair to say that, at least...

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Press Release May 29th – Extra Income For Teachers – The Chicago School Reviews

Sam Carter 300 N LaSalle Suite 4925 Chicago, IL 60654 312-380-5465 Extra income for teachers Teachers now have a place to read what other teachers are doing and the share what they are doing as well while getting paid to write those articles., is an exciting new service which brings the right voices to the right subject.
Read full article at The Chicago School Reviews .com

Friday, May 24, 2013

Early Childhood Education Budget Cuts – The Chicago School Reviews | The Chicago School Reviews (beta)

Early Childhood Education Budget Cuts – The Chicago School Reviews | The Chicago School Reviews (beta): "
Early Childhood Education Budget Cuts
Author Sam Carter of &
When President Obama came into office, prospects for education looked promising. The President spoke of a vested interest in public education and, according to a recent NPR interview, particularly in early childhood education.
However, the past two years have seen enormous drops in funding for pre-kindergarten education. As sequestration on early childhood education began to take hold, Americans saw funding for Head Start and similar programs for young children drop by more than half a billion dollars. According to a Head Start educator in Arkansas, the budget cuts are already having very real and tangible impacts on these programs."

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Arts Integrated Learning – The Chicago School Reviews | The Chicago School Reviews (beta)

Arts Integrated Learning – The Chicago School Reviews | The Chicago School Reviews (beta): "Arts Integrated Learning

    Arts integrated learning is defined as an approach to education that     employs the use of the fine arts, both visual and performing, as a     primary path to education in main subjects, such as science,     English, and mathematics – and, in turn, uses these subjects to     enhance learning of the arts. Not all forms of arts in the classroom     can necessarily be referred to as art integration. Arts education,     in the traditional sense, is art class. Students gather together     with an art, music, or dance teacher whose primary purpose in the     school is to teach lessons focused on the arts, separate from the     aforementioned major subjects. In this case, art is the curriculum     and it is viewed as supplementary to the core subjects."

Straight Out of College and Into the Classroom: How Inexperienced Teachers Are Affecting Education | The Chicago School Reviews (beta)

Straight Out of College and Into the Classroom: How Inexperienced Teachers Are Affecting Education | The Chicago School Reviews (beta): "Straight Out of College and Into the Classroom: How Inexperienced     Teachers Are Affecting Education

    Education reform is sweeping the nation and with it comes Teach For     America and similar teaching corps and fellowships, such as Chicago     Teaching Fellows, NYC Teaching Fellows, and Teach NOLA. The purpose     of these programs is to train recent college graduates and other     young professionals, after they go through a rigorous application     process, to become classroom teachers"

Budget Cuts for Children With Special Needs | The Chicago School Reviews (beta)

Budget Cuts for Children With Special Needs | The Chicago School Reviews (beta): "Budget Cuts for Children With Special Needs

    The education sequester has put the needs of children with     disabilities, especially those from low-income families, on the     chopping block in recent months. The simple fact for special needs     students is this: these kids have a great need for resources and     support in their educational trajectories, even greater than the     needs of most children in school"

A History of Charter Schools | The Chicago School Reviews (beta)

A History of Charter Schools | The Chicago School Reviews (beta):

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